Monday, February 21, 2011

Project BUG next step

Project BUG, organized by Grandview Woodland Food Connection moved into the next design stage today.  Flickr set of photos here.  Students examined the data gathered from the community input.  All the co-design drawings were rated by the community:  Students, parents, teachers and community members had an opportunity to vote on their desired features.  Erin, from SCARP, facilitated a session where groups of students walked through the site and marked their ideas on a plan.  The purpose of the session was to synthesize all the ideas into a plan for the three garden sites.  Dolores Altin, a landscape architect from Evergreen Learning Grounds,  gave students a presentation on food security and garden design.  She showed examples of school food gardens in BC, and emphasized that design of a space is an on-going process.  Followup to this, (update, Oct 2011): The Build party occurred  Fall of 2011

all the features of the drawing were rated "I love it, go for it", "needs more designing" or "this belongs elsewhere".  Today, students considered the features that received a high rating from the community.

Dolores discussing priorities for the design

students learn strategies for overcoming bureaucratic hurdles

Erin displaying the plan for the site

Erin demonstrates a shadow study for the garden site
Stanley facilitates discussion of design ideas in one group during the site walk: "Ask yourself what would you be doing here?"

Erin and Dolores leading a site walk

students note the locations of their activities:  picking grapes, apples, blueberries, sitting on a bench built into the garden bed.  

Natalie Ethier from Pedestrian City observed.