about us

Susan Chung and Stanley King trained city planners and students in University of Colorado, Photo by Lynn M. Lickteig
Stanley King and Susan Chung are co-authors of the Youth Manual for Sustainable Design: Stanley was a pioneer in public participation and he developed the City on the Wall and co-design process.  

 Susan is a science and biology educator and an experienced  co-design artist.  She adapted the co-design process for environmental education so that youth may respond to ecological challenges.  Susan explored and articulated the connection between youth participation through co-design and ecology and place-based education for youth. 

Their combined experience in youth engagement enabled them to develop lesson strategies that combine co-design with current methods in environmental education. Together they created a Co-Design Youth Program to help youth participate in the design of the spaces they will ultimately inherit.  

Recently, the program has enabled youth to participate in

Susan continues the codesign youth work. She is currently researching the connection between co-design and the ecological interactions of communities.  She belong to a group of architects, designers, artists and researchers called the Co-Design Group based in western Canada.  The Co-design Group is an association of codesign practitioners who have facilitated award winning citizen and youth participation since 1971.

In 2013, Susan and Stanley founded the Social Art of Architecture For Youth Society of BC
The society continues the important work of youth engagement by continuing to run the Co-Design Youth program.  

In December of 2020, Stanley King passed away peacefully. Susan and the co-designers will continue his legacy of youth co-design. 

Contact codesignyouthmanual@gmail.com  


We are grateful for the endorsement of the Youth Manual by Architecture Canada, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and for the collaboration and support of the Institute for Environmental Learning.  We would also like to acknowledge the following partners

2014  North American Association For Environmental Education:
           NAAEE Community Climate Change Fellow, Susan Chung
2014  Vancouver Foundation grant for Co-design youth activities in 2014
2013   Institute for Environmental Learning, The City of Vancouver for hosting a screen day for Chairs for Lovers.
2012   Real Estate Foundation grant for Finding the Sweetspot, and Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
2011   Architecture Canada Advocate for Architecture award, Susan Chung
2010   Architecture Canada Foundation Bursary Award, Stanley King and Susan Chung