Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Call for Artists for the VSB Sustainability Conference! Do you doodle in class? are you a grafitti artist? we want you!!

Do you doodle in class, during meetings? Can't stop drawing if you tried?  We have once again been requested to do youth artist training for youth to draw for other youth at the VSB Sustainability Conference! on April 18, 2016.

Our two co-design youth artist training sessions will take place here:  Snacks and beverages provided
Gladstone Secondary School  Staff Room (across from main office) 430 to 6pm
April 4, 12,

We will also warm up on the morning of the conference so you'll be ready to draw for the planning session!  RSVP to this email so we know how much food to order.

What you will learn:

  • Fast visual storytelling techniques that can be used for planning
  • Sketching warm ups
  • Fundamentals of co-design drawing
  • How to draw fearlessly in front of peers

We will take you step by step to draw for the conference!
Ready, set, DRAW!


Our youth artists have been warming up and on Monday they'll be ready to draw for the interschool planning session.  Many are new artists who will draw for up to ten peers.  We thank you for taking the time to train for this.

A big thank you to Deserres Art store for giving us a discount on the drawing boards!!